Dooran Dooran

About Dooran·Dooran is an online platform focuses on sales of premium durians & its related products. The platform breaks out from the traditional brick & mortar operation and opted for a online sales channel instead. Through our 3-step checkout solution, Dooran·Dooran managed to achieved a staggering considerable revenue through the platform; and this is achieved […]


About Brew9, situated in Brunei, is an F&B business known for its coffee expertise, diverse drinks, and delightful desserts. With a tech-oriented approach, they aim to evolve by adopting digital changes like a customer-centered app, internal systems, POS, kiosk orders, and data analytics. Their Brew9 Mobile Ordering App has attracted over 10,000 users. Currently operating […]


About OrderLive is a live-commerce solution that automates the order capturing process between business & consumers. The business user will appreciate that all orders captured are accurate; while consumers are able to get the items they wanted. All these are done automatically on OrderLive. Crosense also designed OrderLive with deep integration in mind. Business users […]